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Blockchains indÊpendantes

The Aptos blockchain has been developed over the past three years by over 350+ developers across the globe. It offers new and novel innovations in consensus, smart contract design, system security, performance, and decentralization. The combination of these technologies will provide a fundamental building block to bring web3 to the masses.


The rise of blockchains as a new Internet infrastructure has led to developers deploying tens of thousands of decentralized applications at rapidly growing rates. Unfortunately, blockchain usage is not yet ubiquitous due to frequent outages, high costs, low throughput limits, and numerous security concerns. To enable mass adoption in the web3 era, blockchain infrastructure needs to follow the path of cloud infrastructure as a trusted, scalable, cost-efficient, and continually improving platform for building widely-used applications.

Enter the Aptos blockchain, designed with scalability, safety, reliability, and upgradeability as key principles, to address these challenges. The Aptos blockchain has been developed over the past three years by over 350+ developers across the globe. It offers new and novel innovations in consensus, smart contract design, system security, performance, and decentralization.

The combination of these technologies will provide a fundamental building block to bring web3 to the masses:
  1. the Aptos blockchain natively integrates and internally uses the Move language for fast and secure transaction execution. The Move prover, a formal verifier for smart contracts written in the Move language, provides additional safeguards for contract invariants and behavior. This focus on security allows developers to better protect their software from malicious entities.

  2. the Aptos data model enables flexible key management and hybrid custodial options. This, alongside transaction transparency prior to signing and practical light client protocols, provides a safer and more trustworthy user

  3. to achieve high throughput and low latency, the Aptos blockchain leverages a pipelined and modular approach for the key stages of transaction processing. Specifically, transaction dissemination, block metadata ordering, parallel transaction execution, batch storage, and ledger certification all operate concurrently. This approach fully leverages all available physical resources, improves hardware efficiency, and enables highly parallel execution.

  4. unlike other parallel execution engines that break transaction atomicity by requiring upfront knowledge of the data to be read and written, the Aptos blockchain does not put such limitations on developers. It can efficiently support atomicity with arbitrarily complex transactions, enabling higher throughput and lower latency for real-world applications and simplifying development.

  5. the Aptos modular architecture design supports client flexibility and optimizes for frequent and instant upgrades. Moreover, to rapidly deploy new technology innovations and support new web3 use cases, the Aptos blockchain provides embedded on-chain change management protocols.

  6. the Aptos blockchain is experimenting with future initiatives to scale beyond individual validator performance: its modular design and parallel execution engine support internal sharding of a validator and homogeneous state sharding provides the potential for horizontal throughput scalability without adding additional complexity for node operators.


In the web2 version of the Internet, services such as messaging, social media, finance, gaming, shopping, and audio/video streaming, are provided by centralized companies that control direct access to user data (e.g., Google, Amazon, Apple, and Meta). These companies develop infrastructure using application-specific software optimized for targeted use cases and leverage cloud infrastructures to deploy these applications to users. Cloud infrastructure provides access to virtualized and/or physical infrastructure services, such as rented virtual machines (VMs) and bare metal hardware operating inside data centers worldwide (e.g., AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud). As a result, building web2 Internet services that can scale to billions of users has never been easier than it is today. However, web2 requires that users place explicit trust in centralized entities, a requirement that has become increasingly concerning to society.

To combat this concern, a new Internet age has begun: web3. In the web3 version of the Internet, blockchains have emerged to provide decentralized, immutable ledgers that enable users to interact with one another securely and reliably, all without requiring trust in controlling intermediaries or centralized entities. Similar to how web2 Internet services and applications rely on cloud infrastructure as building blocks, decentralized applications can use blockchains as a decentralized infrastructure layer to reach billions of users across the world.

However, despite the existence of many blockchains today, widespread adoption of web3 has not yet taken place. While technology continues to advance the industry, existing blockchains are unreliable, impose high transaction fees for users, have low throughput limitations, suffer regular asset losses due to security issues, and cannot support real-time responsiveness. In comparison to how cloud infrastructure has enabled web2 services to reach billions, blockchains have not yet enabled web3 applications to do the same.


The Aptos blockchain is comprised of a set of validators that jointly receive and process transactions from users using a byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT), proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. Token holders lock up, or stake, tokens in their selected validators. Each validator’s consensus voting weight is proportionate to the amount staked into it. A validator can be active and participate in consensus. Likewise, a validator may also be inactive if it does not have enough stake to participate, rotates out of the validator set, elects to be offline as it synchronizes blockchain state, or is deemed not participating by the consensus protocol due to poor historical performance.

Clients are any part of the system that need to submit transactions or query the state and history of the blockchain. Clients can choose to download and verify validator signed proofs of queried data. Full nodes are clients that replicate the transaction and blockchain state from the validators or from other full nodes in the network. They may elect to prune transaction history and blockchain state as desired to reclaim storage. Light clients only maintain the current set of validators and can query partial blockchain state securely, typically from full nodes. Wallets are a common example of a light client.

To meet the needs of safe, fast, reliable, and upgradeable web3 infrastructure for widespread adoption, the Aptos blockchain is built on the following core design principles:
  • Fast and secure execution along with simple auditability and mechanical analyzability via a new smart contract programming language, Move. Move originated with the predecessor to the Aptos blockchain and continues to progress with the evolution of this project.

  • Extremely high throughput and low latency through a batched, pipelined, and parallelized approach to transaction processing.

  • Novel parallel transaction processing that efficiently supports atomicity with arbitrarily complex transactions through Block-STM, unlike existing parallel execution engines that require upfront knowledge of data locations to be read and written.

  • Optimizations for performance and decentralization via rapid, stake-weight validator set rotation and reputation tracking.

  • Upgradeability and configurability as first-class design principles to embrace new use cases and the latest technology.

  • Modular designs that enable rigorous component level testing along with appropriate threat modeling and seamless deployment, all ensuring highly secure and reliable operations.

  • Horizontal throughput scalability while preserving decentralization, where sharding is a first-class concept exposed to users and native to the programming and data model.


A signed transaction contains the following information:
  • Transaction authenticator: The sender uses a transaction authenticator that includes one or more digital signatures to verify that a transaction is authenticated.

  • Sender address: The account address of the sender.

  • Payload: Thepayloadeither refers to an existing entry function on-chain or contains the function to be executed as inlined bytecode (called a script). In addition, a set of input arguments is encoded in byte arrays. For a peer-to-peer transaction, the inputs contain the recipient’s information and the amount transferred to them.

  • Gas price (in specified currency/gas units): This is the amount the sender is willing to pay per unit of gas to execute the transaction. Gas is a way to pay for compute, networking, and storage. A gas unit is an abstract measurement of computation with no inherent real-world value.

  • Maximum gas amount: The maximum gas amount is the maximum gas units the transaction is allowed to consume prior to aborting. The account must have at least the gas price multiplied by the maximum gas amount or the transaction will be discarded during validation.

  • Sequence number: The sequence number of the transaction. This must match the sequence number stored in the sender’s account when the transaction executes. Upon successful transaction execution, the account sequence number is incremented to prevent replay attacks.

  • Expiration time: A timestamp after which the transaction ceases to be valid.

  • Chain id: Identifies the blockchain that this transaction is valid for, offering further protection for users to prevent signing errors.

Blockchain time

The Aptos blockchain adopts an approximate, agreed-upon, physical timestamp for every proposed block, and correspondingly, all transactions within that block.

This timestamp enables many important use cases. For example:
  • Time-dependent logic in smart contracts. For instance, a developer would like to encode that all bids on an auction must be received prior to noon on Thursday.

  • As oracles publish on-chain data, an accurate and trusted on-chain timestamp is required to correlate events and handle delays from real-world data.

  • Clients can discern how up-to-date they are with respect to the blockchain. For security reasons, to avoid stale data and long-range attacks, a client should have access to a high-precision timestamp on when the account state was updated.

  • Auditing the blockchain with a well-trusted timestamp provides a strong correlation to off-chain events, such as ensuring that legally-enforced payouts meet expected requirements.

  • Transaction expiration is based on the most recent committed timestamp. As an additional safeguard for client transactions, clients can select an expiration time for a transaction.

Transaction and network fees

All Aptos transactions have a gas unit price (specified in Aptos tokens) that allows validators to prioritize the highest value transactions in the network. Moreover, at every stage of the pipelined model, there are multiple opportunities to discard low-value transactions (allowing the blockchain to operate efficiently when at system capacity). Over time, network fees will be deployed to ensure that the costs of using the Aptos blockchain are proportionate to the real-world costs of hardware deployment, maintenance, and node operation. Furthermore, developers will have the opportunity to design applications with different cost trade-offs between compute, storage, and networking.

Network Governance

Every significant feature change and improvement on the Aptos blockchain will go through several phases, including proposal, implementation, testing, and deployment. This structure creates opportunities for relevant parties and stakeholders to provide feedback, share concerns, and offer suggestions. The final phase, deployment, is typically achieved in two steps. First, a software release with the new functionality will be deployed to each node, and second, the functionality will be enabled, e.g., via a feature flag or on-chain configuration variable.

Each software deployment by the node operators must be backward compatible, to ensure the new software is interoperable with the supported releases. The process of deploying a new software version may span multiple days, to account for operators in different time zones and any external issues. Once a sufficient number of nodes have been upgraded, the enablement of the new functionality can be triggered by a synchronization point, such as an agreed-on block height or epoch change. In emergency conditions (e.g., when downtime is unavoidable), the enablement can be through a manual and forced change by the node operators, and in the worst cases, a hard fork in the network.

In comparison to other blockchains, the Aptos blockchain encodes its configuration on-chain. Every validator has the ability to synchronize with the current state of the blockchain and automatically select the correct configuration (e.g., consensus protocol and Aptos framework version) based on the current on-chain values. Upgrades in the Aptos blockchain are seamless and instant due to this functionality.

To provide flexibility and configurability to the enablement process, the Aptos blockchain will support on-chain governance where token holders can vote with respect to their staked token weights. On-chain voting protocols are public, verifiable, and can be instantaneous. On-chain governance can also support the enablement of non-binary outcomes without software deployment. For example, the on-chain leader election protocol parameters can be modified with on-chain governance whereas a preknown synchronization point would be unable to handle dynamic modifications since all changes would have to be known ahead of time.

On-chain governance can, over time, be deployed across the entire upgrade management process.

As an example:

1. Token holders vote on-chain about transitioning to a new quantum-resistant signature scheme.

2. Developers implement and verify the new signature scheme and create a new software release.

3. Validators upgrade their software to the new release.

4. Token holders vote on-chain to enable the new signature scheme, the on-chain configuration is updated, and the change takes effect.

As an open source project, the Aptos blockchain will depend on strong community feedback and use on-chain governance to manage the appropriate processes. Off-chain upgrade enablement may still be required under certain conditions, but will be minimized over time.

The aptos cryptos

One important thing to point out is that there is relatively little information about the nature of native token Aptos will have once it is launched at an unspecified date. This might well serve as a potential warning sign for would-be investors, with a blockchain’s native coin often serving as a key selling point for any upcoming network. That said, there will be a crypto to go with the blockchain, and not just because every blockchain or blockchain based network needs to have its own cryptocurrency. In a blog post dated 19 September 2022, the system said that people working on the current stage of its testnet would be paid in what it described as aptos tokens.

Their development team suggests that there will be not one but two aptos cryptos. The aptos coin is described as a “lightweight standard meant for simple, typesafe, and fungible assets” while the aptos token is designed to both be a non-fungible token and work with other NFTs. As the whitepaper says: “The token standard is designed to create an NFT or a semi-fungible or a fungible non-decimal token, with rich metadata and functionalities. A token definition of this type can be iterated rapidly to respond to the platform and user requirements.”

Tracking APTOS


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