Independent Blockchains
Today, a new form of identity is emerging throughout the Metaverse. Many Web3 pioneers and crypto natives already use a combination of their cryptocurrency wallet addresses, social media handles, NFT avatars, and Metaverse pseudonyms to create a comprehensive, distinct, and new digital Web3 identity.
A User's Web2 virtual identity might include personal photos and stories shared with a close network of friends on Facebook and Instagram or a more professional appearance on Linkedln. On the other hand, a Web3 identity is often anonymous or distinct from the saame user's identity in the real world or in Web2.
With Nft profile pictures (PFPSs), creative pseudonyms handles, and engagement with interest based communities, Web3 users remain in control of their actions, and what information about their personal identifications they choose to reveal or even invent. Users may even possess multiple Web3 identities.
Anyside is a state of the art, cross-chain compatible, Web3 name service. Anyside is also packed with massive utility from day 1, with a focus on ease of use and on bringing compelling features to holders and users. Each Abyside Web3 name is packeaged as an NFT, and will be tradeable on major third party platforms such as Opensea, MagicEden, X2Y2, Mintable, and more.
Why Choose Anyside?
Anyside's mission is to build a Web3 ecosystem for individual users, creators, and professionals, which focuses on the 5 key pillars below:
Web3 identity
Cross chain compatibility and interoperability
Ease of use
Web3 safety
Income -creating tools to grow the decentralized Web3 economy
Anyside Web3 Username
When a user registers an Anyside Web3 username, which can be made up of a combination of letters, numbers, and even emojis, he/she also gets access to an exclusive and matching domain name URL that can be used as a short link in the bio. Users can set up and customize their Anyside page in seconds, displaying all their socials, NFT collections, and crypto wallets, all in one place, and easily receive payments on any blockchain.
Anyside Token
The Anyside token is Cross-Chain compatible, which means that it can be registered (minted) on any compatible chain. Currently, compatible chains include Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon, and it is possible for more chains to be added in the future. Thanks to the Anyside Portal, users can also move their tokens from one compatible chain to another in just a few clicks and at any time. Currently, existing blockchain name services are often tied to and run on a single cryptocurrency, and cannot be migrated onto other blockchains. Users who adopt a blockchain name from an incumbent service are tied to the success of a single cryptocurrency. This could be problematic given how early blockchain is and how fast things are changing in the space. Cross-chain compatibility allows Anyside token holders to hedge against an unpredictable Web 3.0 future, and to ensure that the Any name service will be relevant careless of which blockchains become dominant.
Furthermore, users can easily customize their Anyside NFT tokens in a few clicks, and they will be able to trade their Anyside names on most major marketplaces, such as Opensea, Solsea, and Magic Eden.
Finally, Anysideâs API (Application Programming Interface) allows for easy integrations and is suitable for use by DApp (Decentralized Application) developers. Anyside API integrations can be used to facilitate crypto payments, authentication, and more, opening the door to more practical applications and further utility.
Anyside NFT
When you register your Anyside domain, you can choose which compatible blockchain you want to mint it on. Anyside is available with 3 blockchains: Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon.
Thanks to the Anyside Portal, at any time, users can also transfer their existing Anyside name NFT from one compatiblity blockchain to another.